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Extremely slow access to verbraucherabzocke.info


Your hosting account has been suspended again due to excessive apache connections. We noticed that the 1st IP address listed below was making a large number of connections to your site. We blocked that IP and then the 2nd IP address started making a large number of connections. After blocking that IP, yet a 3rd different address attempted to make a larger amount of connections. We finally had to suspend your account as it was affecting all other customers on the server.

IP Addresses (referenced above):

With your hosting account running, no other customers's sites can load. If they can, it's only after a long wait. We obviously can't have this situation on a shared server.

We suspended and unsuspended your account several times through the night. When we suspended your acount, the system was fine and customer sites loaded normally. Every time we lifted the suspension, sites immediately would not load and the web server came to a crawl.

The large amount of connections being made to your site were to the
sub-directory "6-Online", particularly "6-Online/wichtiger_Hinweis.html".

If you have any information on why that might be or if you recognize the IP addresses mentioned above, please let us know.

I'm sorry but your site will need to remain suspended until further notice.


Sitelutions Support

Rate this ticket: Helpful   Not Helpful
Ticket ID: XGA-31319
Tracking URL: Click Here
Department: Management
Created On: 21 Dec 2008 09:09 AM
Last Update: 04 Jan 2009 12:02 PM
Status: On Hold

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